25 April 2011

euler's number falters in comparison

when eyes close
and ghosted fingers
trace over goose-bumped skin,

when unconscious
states coax heavy lids
and whispers swirl,

when forms collide
and diaphragms strike in
rhythm with each other,

when fingers divide and conquer
delicate strands of hair,
brushed back from peering globes,

there is no other,
both in truth and in idea,
whose fingers touch,
and whose voice beguiles,
and whose skin delights,

quite like yours,
oh, half to my half
and piece to my piece.

it has always been you.

it will always

be you.

24 April 2011

a one-way journey

one could
get lost in
the space between
the letters
on a page,

swimming against
the current of curves
and jagged lines,

amidst the swirls
of an s and the
loops of an o,

among the loneliness
of a z
and the enthusiasm
of an e.

one could
simply get lost
and never return;
and i would not
have the
