He was created at the hand of another. First a line, then a curve, then an assortment of quick movements across that plane and suddenly, he existed. Suddenly, he breathed. A marionette to the whim of the creator, he could only do what it told him to do. What it made him do. His right foot said move, it told it to stay. His lips begged to smile, it made him statuesque.
He did not argue much. In fact, he was happier to simply have been created than to not exist at all. So even when his heart wanted her, and it told him to run the other way, he did not argue. He obliged his creator; he only wanted to make it happy, even at the oblivion of his own happiness.
An entire life of this. Of being told how to live. Of being told what to want. Of being told how to behave. He could not involve himself with that one; he was not good enough. He was rough around the edges and ill-conceived from the beginning, even though he had a heart that Mother Theresa would envy. And that one, no, he was certainly not up to par. He was too faded and too vague an idea to even be considered for more than a moment. He smiled (if he was allowed) and did as he was told. He did not want to disturb the peace.
Until finally, he realized he was only an existence. What sort of pathetic "life" could he say he lived when he had not lived at all? So he beckoned that pink destroyer to the core of body. He called to it and misbehaved and did nothing as he was told. He went up when he was told to go right. He became disillusioned when he was supposed to be lackadaisical.
It had finally had enough and decided he needed to go. One swipe, then two, then three, until all that was left was the twitch of a toe, soon disposed of the way the rest of him had been.
He was quickly forgotten, replaced by another line-turned-curve. This one was to behave properly. This one would be different. But that long-lost creature still resounded in the faded mistakes, engrained in those sheets.
Why live life according to someone else?
Be who you are.
Do not be afraid.
And do not apologize.
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