this alternate universe
is one i only vaguely know,
and only for a moment at a time.
it is the ghost of where
and who
and how.
diaphanous cloak,
threaded with the puppeteer's minions,
envelop all that exi(does it
my arms to wings
and my eyes to globes;
my hair to wheat
and my lips to fruit;
the world's gold to happiness
and water into wine;
sunsets ablaze with melons and corals
and azure pools that swallow you whole.
it is a beautiful place,
this temporary home.
and yet, it does not appease me.
ever-hungry for something more,
i slip onto a part
ing ship,
and sail for more familiar shores.
the sight of you is more wondrous than it all,
that alternate world i once called home.
skies on fire and oceans eternal
are shadowed and obscured by your eyes.
the embracing coves that welcome a stranger
are less inviting than your arms.
the most alluring of worlds
cannot steal me away,
for all i can comprehend,
all i can see,
all i can love
<3 this one too!!!