it is folly, this
upon which i have embarked,
to love you in the amount
that you intrinsically deserve,
to find for you
an expression of this
for how could i find
something worthy
of the sun?
how could the dim,
dancing light
of a candle
blaze bright enough to
satisfy the moon?
how could a crumb,
fallen to the wayside on
some old, battered table
in a salty cottage,
feed a mouth that's
been out to sea?
how can a pebble
amount to anything
than another nameless
face in a sea
of nameless faces?
how can a single drop of
cleanse the soiled
hands of a traveller
who has seen the world?
how could this sole
pair of lips
cover your skin
with the infinite lavishing
that it has earned?
i do not know.
perhaps the candle must simply burn,
and the crumb must simply feed,
and the pebble must simply exist,
and the rain must simply fall,
and perhaps i must simply love
and continue to love
and continue to touch
and continue to kiss
until i have managed(if
i can manage)to
show you.