there are many things that i
do not understand.
some are trivial,
such as mathematical equations
i've long since forgotten(the
explanations of which are,
i'm sure,
buried between the pages
of an old, spiral notebook
and years of dust).
others are more important,
such as how love can continue to grow
when the inhabitant of said love
has thought it already impossibly gargantuan,
or how the slightest of touches
from me to you
from you to me
is enough to make my
knees quiver
and my very being spontaneously
or, perhaps even more importantly,
how i do not mind any of these things,
and how not knowing the answers
is perfectly acceptable,
and all that truly
matters is the fact
that you are mine
and i am yours,
and seeing your dreaming face
upon first light
is enough to humble me
and fill me
and remind me
that i
in love.
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