a bone here, a socket there,
tendons and ligaments that have been
so that i may walk and move and speak
and think and love and feel
like other homo sapiens.
at best, i am nothing more than a damaged product
of my environment and,
more likely and most importantly,
my own self-destruction.
there is no forgiveness that i can
allow myself.
not when i've got so much to prove.
at least, i am nothing more than a lost soul,
wandering this vast orb to try and find
some kind of meaning
some kind of anything
so that it won't feel like a waste
or like i've just been sucking up space
and air and resources
that could have been used on someone more
at most, i am nothing more than who you see before you,
this tracing-paper-cut-out of who i used to be,
with all of the necessary parts
(the lungs and heart and brain and things)
i need to make me whole,
vacant in the places that should be full,
hollow in the parts that should have substance.
at worst at best at least at most.
don't ask me to explain it all.
i haven't got a clue.
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