when science allows it,
i will peel my skin
from my bones,
and my freed cage
will wander
from body to body,
zipping up a
every single day
just to say,
after it has found its
way back to its
original casing,
"i've been a hundred
people from a hundred
walks of life,
of all different sizes
and all shades of human.
there were women
and men
and some children,
when i could manage
to fit.
they were black,
they were white,
they were asian,
they were hispanic,
they were mutts.
they had congestive heart failure,
they had diabetes,
they had cancer,
they had restless leg syndrome.
they hated
and they loved
and they mourned.
but now that i've been
a hundred
people from a hundred
walks of life,
i've come to realize:
are all
the same."
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