"friend," he repeated,
his smile never fading.
seemingly satisfied, he continued,
"i know you have questions,
and i know there is pain.
there are no boundaries here,
and you cannot say anything i have yet to hear
or have yet to know."
here was my chance,
to ask the most difficult questions(most
of which began with the ever
d a u n t
word "why").
but the silence hung between us,
stagnant like water
after a
"do not try so hard," he encouraged,
"ask what you need to ask."
i cleared my throat and shifted my weight
and readied myself for the Q&A
barbara walters(what a minx)would never
even have.
"whyistherepain?" i managed to mutter,
my words slurring like a drunken lush.
"would you know of happiness if there was
against which to compare it?" he asked.
a rise and fall of my shoulder(pathetic,
truly). "you cannot live a sheltered life.
you will have only existed,
and will never have lived."
his eyes softened as they peered into
my ethereal reality(now
pulsing with light
that matched my
almost as though in time
with my body's blood-metronome, he
"next question."
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